Assured Data and Information Security

Effective measures for data and information security are sine qua non of a reliable and unwavering outsourcing partner. Aware of client concerns for data breaches and misuses, Sigma CAD Service offers to make assured data and information security an integral component of outsourcing contracts to generate client confidence. Our stringent security policies fully compliant to project information criticality, pace, and scale of outsourcing aim at improving vendor-client collaboration, mutual trust, and ethical business practices. We use a variety of technologies, data formats, and measures that eliminate the risk of information breaches, secure data from becoming privy to unintended recipients, and allow full control and use of data only for specified purpose.

Sigma CAD Service Information Security Policy: Key Features

  • Data protection and controlling at transmission, vendor premise, and workstations
  • Comprehensive information security before, during, and after the project completion
  • Compliance to information security in all data formats
  • Use of latest technology for data security
  • In-house professionals and CAD processing to prevent information breaches
  • Effective regulatory framework in place to fully meet present security threats
  • Provision for additional security as per client/ project requirements
  • Regular security audit of CAD data usage at every level
  • Implementation of integrated and unit-wise steps for client data and information security
  • Identification of possible breaches for every project and creating and enforcing effective mechanism to prevent the same

Data Security Safeguards at Sigma CAD Service

We have strict security practices at a number of levels to counter CAD data security breaches. These are as follow:

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: Sigma CAD Service is ready to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement with clients as and when they ask for. This testifies our willingness to convert the data security commitment into a legal binding instrument guaranteeing top-level information security practices. Our professional employees are bound by NDA terms and security practices explicitly mentioned in their employment terms.
  • Backup Process: We backup the files regularly and keep them in secure zones with restricted access. All data on the main drive is deleted on the daily basis.
  • Cleanup Process: We do not backup data for project completed without explicit client request. The data was either destroyed or returned back.
  • Data Encryption: Encrypted email, folders, and files assure data confidentiality and eliminate the risk of braches during the sharing process.
  • Data Sharing: Only authorized employees are allowed to share data and that too within set information security guidelines. Sigma CAD Service does not allow sharing of source files.

Data and Information Security: Reliable and Secure Network

We use VPN and Network empowered with latest security upgrades. It helps to constantly supervise and overcome unwanted access and firewall breaches. Secure CISCO intelligent switches are installed to secure information transformation through reliable CISCO VPN Tunnel and block HTTP, UDP port, and other security threats.

Sigma CAD Service Employee Access Control

We restrict information inflow at various individual employee levels that prevent unauthorized access, data misuse, and information breaches. These include the following measures.

  • Protected system access only for employees working on the project
  • Network logins protected by password
  • No remote access is allowed
  • Smart card for office and work station access
  • All emails and files are encrypted with mandatory digital signatures
  • Single sign-in and password protected systems and enterprise applications
  • 24-hour security surveillance and advanced technology for monitoring
  • Separate security and administrative monitoring
  • USB ports, CD, and other storage devices are not allowed
  • Regular system auditing
  • Latest anti-virus programs for every work station
  • Centralized backup management